Prayer List For January 19,  20245
"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. " (James 5:16)

  • Continuing to pray for the family of Sis Bertha Harris as they prepare for her homegoing service on Saturday February 1.
  • Continuing to pray for the family of Sis  Brenda Stafford who are still dealing with the fire in Louisiana that killed Four family members.
  • Praying for the sister of Rev. Joe Ballard who had surgery on Tuesday of last week.
    Praying for Tondala Smith who will be having surgery this Thursday.
  • Continuing to pray for those who are dealing with health challenges including: Mother Lorraine Thomas, Daphine Leonard, Tammy Gadsen, Pastor Reginald Rose Sr.
  • Praying for those healing after surgery including, Tammy Gadsden, Rev. Diann Malloy, Rev. Deborah Chandler and LaTovia Cole
*UPDATED 1/18/25*